

Shabs & Co

Limbo Now that the show is up and running in London I get most of my days free. It has been rather lovely to be able to potter around doing nothing inparticular. Have managed to catch up on all those little jobs that have been on my 'to do' list for months. I am writing this on my lovely new MacBook which I have had for just over a week now. Now I can be geeky anywhere, any time! I was slightly skeptical at first about the Mac OS, but now that I've been using it for a while I don't know how I'd ever be able to go back to Windows. My Mac hasn't crashed once, and everything is so intuitive as well as looking fantastic! As the time approaches for us to move out of MouseVille that horrible 'Limbo' feeling is encroaching. Really should think about buying a place of my own and stop this cycle of renting other peoples cess pits. Speaking of cess pits, Andy and I have looked around a few recently. All have been fairly close to where we're living now and each one has had it's own lovely, quirky features like 'no shower', bird-shit-covered-windows and four flights of stairs to the front door. Fantastic. I found these little figures in some railings near Brick Lane


Brick Lane Haven't updated this for a while; been so busy with The Daughter. We are currently in a cavernous warehouse in Brick Lane, East London and below is a video I took on the days of the get in - two very long days! The space is incredible. It's not every day you get to work in an abandoned brewery! However, old abandoned buildings obviously come with their own unique problems, like on press night when a large portion of the roof decided to leak water and all but drown out the voices of the actors.


Glorious York Well, the final day of York and what a wonderful week it has been. The city is a maze of quaint little tea rooms and delicious chocolate shops and it’s been so easy to waste away the days just pottering around in the wonderful sunshine we’ve had. The show opened on Thur to an almost full house and the reaction from the audience was positive from what I can gather. We are also going to be featured in the Independent which is quite exciting too. Andy has been here all week, helping out on the show and it’s been great to spend some proper time with him. We have also been spending some time with the cast and crew of the other show at the York Theatre Royal and yesterday we joined their intense 90 minute warm up which is as long as out entire show! Needless to say we were all truly knackered, but not to let down the side, we carried on until the bitter end. It made our quick-game-of-fuzzy-duck-warm-up look pathetic! Off to Leister tomorrow and twill be the first time I have driven the van on my own, so let’s hope I actually find the bloody place!


Man in a van I finally faced my biggest fear and drove a Luton van on Friday. What have I been worrying about??!! It's was fine and managed to escape the day with only 1 minor scratch (on the van, not me!). I've been finding myself is the strangest locations since I started my New Life ® Friday took me to a mushroom farm in deepest Windsor to pick up 20 coach seats which will form part of the set for The Daughter. As well as mushrooms and coach seats, there were also a random collection of army tanks there.


British Museum Today I mooched around the British Museum. I find it so hard to concentrate on exhibitions in museums with such amazing buildings. The central courtyard of the BM is so spectacular that I was genuinely speechless. It's rather fun to watch the hoards of tourists walk through the entrance to the courtyard and be instantly mesmerized by the roof. Click on an image to enlarge it


The next chapter Four weeks ago, I quit my events job at the World Travel Awards to embark on my new life as a stage manager. Luckily, I found work on a production of The Daughter which is all terribly exciting!


Too much Ikea makes your head spin  Posted by Picasa

Ciaran  Posted by Picasa

Ikea Who knew ikea could be so much fun?


Hannah's Back!!  Posted by Picasa


Me  Posted by Picasa


The Cake Tom made me a cake. He obviously knows the way to my heart. Posted by Picasa


Smashing Eggs from the disastrous New Years Day Cheesecake (TM).

Rikki "Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life."- Anon  Posted by Picasa

My Two Best Boys Taken at Rush. Possibly one of the wankiest clubs I've ever been to.  Posted by Picasa


The Lovely Tom Excellent Christmas Present.


New Years in the Trafalgar After so many NYE nights in crowded, expensive clubs, this year we decided to stay local and support our pub; the Trafalgar. I have to admit I had a really fun evening wit the guys and the fact that my house was only a walk (well, stumble) from the pub meant no freezing our bollocks off waiting for a cab! I win.


Back in the Big Smoke Back home to spend my first New Years in London. The photo below was taken just at the end of my road on a really cold afternoon as I was returning from Manchester. The light was perfect. My camera was at the bottom of my suitcase, but I think it was worth the trouble.  Posted by Picasa


Sunset Red sky at night....  Posted by Picasa

The Garden Absolutley nothing on tv, so here are a few random photos of my garden.